Complications in pregnancy and delivery associated with the health of the newborn
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Pregnancy complications
Obstetric Delivery
Gestational age

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Concha Iparra A, Ortega Totolhua SI, Zolá Gutiérrez Z, Muñoz Cruz JG, Alba Alba CM, Guzman Ortíz E. Complications in pregnancy and delivery associated with the health of the newborn. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];9(20):e474. Available from:



Introduction: Maternal and infant morbidity and mortality rates continue to rise despite the strategies implemented to mitigate this public health issue. Objective: To determine the association between obstetric complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and newborn complications in a primary care unit. Methodology: A prospective, observational, and descriptive cohort design was used. 261 pregnant women were interviewed and data from 90 dyads (Mother and child) in a primary care institution were analyzed. The birth certificate and records were consulted to collect data, prior informed consent. Study carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the General Health Law on Health Research and approval of an ethics committee. Descriptive statistics and measures of central tendency, as well as the Relative Risk test, were used. The study was carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the General Health Law on Health Research, it had the approval of the ethics committee and the participants signed informed consent with prior explanation of the study. Results: The most frequent complication in each trimester was urinary tract infection with 26.7%. Furthermore, 48.9% of the newborns had respiratory problems evaluated with the Silverman-Anderson test. Finally, a significant association with p< 0.001 was found between recurrent urinary tract infections during pregnancy and respiratory difficulty in newborns. Conclusion: Newborns exposed to urinary tract infections during pregnancy have a higher risk of respiratory difficulty at birth.
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