Nursing care in the maintenance of the central venous catheter in pediatric intensive therapy
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Intensive care

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Ortiz-Cabrera G, Díaz-Bernal B, Cuevas-Peñaloza MA, Maciel-Vilchis A del C, Dimas-Altamirano B, Jaime-Mejía D. Nursing care in the maintenance of the central venous catheter in pediatric intensive therapy. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];10(21):e507. Available from:



Introduction: Central venous catheter maintenance in pediatric intensive therapy patients, is a critical procedure to prevent infections and associated complications. The nurse provides the care and oversees its management. However, the implementation of nursing care in its maintenance can be disrupted by obstacles that are present in the working day such as lack of knowledge or excessive workload. Objective: To evaluate nursing care in central venous catheter maintenance in pediatric intensive care patients in a third-level hospital. Methodology: The methodology used in this study was a quantitative, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional design in a sample of 20 critical care nurses who provided care to patients in pediatric intensive therapy. Incomplete surveys were excluded. Participants agreed to take part in the study and signed an informed consent form. A central venous catheter maintenance checklist was used. Central tendency measures, frequencies and percentages were calculated in the statistical analysis. Results: All participants performed hand hygiene, 95% correctly identified the patient and disinfected ports and connections before handling, 85 % verified the permeability of the venous catheter, and 80% changed solutions and equipment according to proper standards. Overall compliance was 94%. Conclusions: Nursing personnel provided appropriate care; however, areas of opportunity to improve central venous catheter care were identified such as hand washing and regulatory training.
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