Psychometric analysis of the obesity risk control scale in mexican young people
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Body Mass Index
Factor Analysis
Standardized Nursing Terminology
Nursing Process

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Navarro-Rodríguez DC, Guevara-Valtier MC, Cárdenas-Villarreal VM, Paz-Morales M de los Ángeles, Urchaga-Litago JD, Guevara-Ingelmo RM. Psychometric analysis of the obesity risk control scale in mexican young people. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 7 [cited 2024 Aug. 31];8(19):e337. Available from:



Introduction: Obesity is a public health problem that has been increasing in the young population. The health-promoting behavior that prevents it is obesity risk control, which is part of the nursing taxonomy outcomes; however, it does not have any reliability or validity precedents. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of reliability, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Obesity Risk Control scale in young Mexicans. Methodology: Correlational cross-sectional descriptive study. It included 167 young people with normal weight and overweight enrolled in a public university in Mexico, using non-probabilistic sampling. Young people who were not available due to illness, disability or temporary academic leave were excluded. Sociodemographic data card, Family Affluence Scale questionnaire and Obesity Risk Control scale were used. The research adhered to Mexican ethical and legal principles. Reliability was estimated with Cronbach's α coefficient and construct validity with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The average age of the participants was 19 years, overweight was predominant and young people sometimes showed control of the risk of obesity. Reliability was α = .927. The Obesity Risk Control scale consisted of two factors and 16 items, with explained variance of 56.2%. Conclusions: The Obesity Risk Control scale is reliable and valid to be employed in young Mexicans; however, it is suggested to review the content validity and criterion validity in the described population.
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