Case study: Therapeutic education for older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis
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Nursing process
Diabetes mellitus
Health education

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Dimas Altamirano B, Dimas Altamirano CR, Santana González CC, Gómez Ortega M, Bobadilla Serrano ME, Maciel Vilchis A del C. Case study: Therapeutic education for older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis . SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 26 [cited 2024 Aug. 31];9(20):e408. Available from:



The nursing process is the scientific method of the nursing discipline, it allows us to administer care through the five stages: assessment, diagnostic reasoning (NANDA), nursing care plan that is integrated by NOC and NIC, and evaluation. Goal. To evaluate the nursing care plan for the elderly with diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis with a focus on therapeutic health education. Methodology. Clinical, observational, descriptive and longitudinal case study of a 63-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis; For the assessment, the Margory Gordon instrument was used for diagnostic reasoning, planning, execution and evaluation, the NANDA, NOC and NIC taxonomies were used. Under bioethical principles, it is a low-risk investigation, the privacy and data of the elderly are protected. Results. It is assessed by finding an alteration in the pattern of perception/maintenance of health and metabolic nutrition, exercise activity and coping with stress; Activities with management at home to control their glucose are planned, emphasizing the prescribed diet and exercise, as well as adherence to treatment. Conclusions. Education for therapeutic health is the fundamental pillar in the home environment for the control and management of chronic diseases, the execution of nursing interventions is carried out with the stages of the nursing process, in the patient adherence was achieved pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment, however, long-term follow-up is important due to the progression of the disease and general deterioration due to the patient's own age.
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