Introduction: Autistic spectrum disorders in children have a negative effect on their caregivers where the understanding of parental thoughts, such as the perception of self-efficacy, could affect the care provided. Objective: Identifying how the perception of self-efficacy of the family caregiver of a child with autism spectrum disorder modifies the care provided. Methods: Integrative review performed within four databases using the keywords: caregivers, self-efficacy and child, with Boolean AND; filters by year and language were used. Results: 41 articles were selected, which after reviewing and verifying compliance with inclusion and exclusion criteria left us 7 articles to work with that made reference to family caregivers of children with autistic spectrum disorder and their perception of self-efficacy. Conclusions: The family caregiver should be considered an essential component of the care system, where strengthening perceptions of self-efficacy allows them to feel capable and empowered in their role, favoring coping skills and the acquisition of tools to implement care.
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