The year 2020, named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the year of the Nurse and the Midwife, has been affected by COVID-19, a virus with a devastating pathogenecity toward vulnerable population, which has registered so far, 1,033,833 confirmed cases, with 54,378 deaths, worldwide. In Mexico, there have been 1510 infections and 50 people has died (1), which has produced mass hysteria, especially due to the high dissemination of the news about the pandemic, but also, it has induced a profound reflection on health, which should be considered as the best asset of human beings, and rethink in the vital role of health systems in the world against the pandemic.
2. High proportion of healthcare workers with COVID-19 in Italy is a stark
warning to the world: protecting nurses and their colleagues must be
the number one priority [en línea]. Geneva: Internacional Council of Nursing (ICN); 2020. [Acceso el 30 de marzo de 2020]. Disponible en: https://www.icn.ch/sites/default/files/inline-files/PR_09_COVID-19%20-%20Italy.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0N6PjHjY_2BPawSL5dBVbrQohKMtrWS5AEw5BVGd5pEfvTA6eo71DhQes
3. Coronavirus: ¿qué es "aplanar la curva" y por qué es tan importante para "retrasar y contener" la propagación del covid-19? [en línea]. América Latina: BBC News Mundo; 2020. [Acceso el 30 de marzo de 2020]. Disponible en: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-51835806

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