Central venous catheter-associated infections in adults undergoing hemodialysis
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Continuous renal replacement therapy
Catheter related infections
In hospital hemodialysis units

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Silva-Cázares MB, Escamilla-Reta ZA, Lozano-Zúñiga MM, Hernandez Nava N. Central venous catheter-associated infections in adults undergoing hemodialysis. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Aug. 31];8(19):e335. Available from: https://sanus.unison.mx/index.php/Sanus/article/view/335



Introduction: The central venous catheter used for haemodialysis is the alternative for patients suffering from chronic renal failure, where nursing professionals participate. Objective: To identify the prevalence of infections related to the central venous catheter in hemodialysis patients from a clinic in Mexico. Methodology: Retrospective and descriptive quantitative study. The source of information were files of the total population of patients attended in 2018 that corresponded to 29 users and epidemiological actions performed in the study period and results reported in the logbook of the head nurse of the hemodialysis area. Results: Staphylococcus epidermidis was found in an amount of 43%. Fourteen percent (14%) of the cases of catheter-related bacteremia were related to nosocomial bacteremia; hand cultures were performed on all the nursing personnel in the different shifts, reporting the presence of staphylococcus epidermidis in 60% of the personnel and coagulase-negative staphylococcus in 60% of the furniture in the hemodialysis area. Conclusion: The need to reinforce infection prevention measures related to central venous catheter handling procedures, including the unification of asepsis protocols and management of permanent vascular accesses by healthcare personnel, became evident.

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