Introduction: Frailty is a physiological syndrome that is related to aging. Physical exercise is a key part of the functionality of the elderly. A physical exercise program may contribute to reducing the prevalence or severity of frailty syndrome. Objective: Determine the effect of physical exercise as a nursing intervention in older adults with frailty. Methodology: Quasi-experimental study, before and after type. In 25 older adults, non-probabilistic sample by quotas, nursing interventions were carried out that consisted of physical exercise where five routines corresponding to strength, flexibility, balance, gait and cardiovascular resistance were addressed. The FRAIL instrument and the timed get Up and Go test were used. Statistical analysis was by McNemar, Chi2, and Student's t tests for related samples and the effect was calculated using d de Cohen. Results: Eighty-eight percent were women and 12% men. The prevalence of frailty counted for 80% in older adults before the intervention. The most frequent frailty criteria were tiredness, inability to climb stairs and difficulty walking. After the intervention, the prevalence was 4% for frail patients and 64% for pre-frail patients. All the participants had gait disturbances; only 12% presented reduction in their muscle mass. The effect of the intervention turned out to be large and statistically significant. Conclusions: There are benefits according to the physical exercise program which are remarkable and recognizable in older adults with frailty.
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