Nursing process applied to a patient with SARS-CoV-2 and diabetes mellitus type 2


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Proceso de Enfermería
Síndrome respiratorio agudo grave
Infecciones por coronavirus
Diabetes Mellitus

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Villarreal de la Cruz JFR, Guevara-Valtier MC, Ramírez-Hernández MM, Paz-Morales M de los Ángeles, Pérez-Fonseca M. Nursing process applied to a patient with SARS-CoV-2 and diabetes mellitus type 2. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Aug. 31];5(16):1-13. Available from:



Introduction: On December 2019, Wuhan, the capital of the province of Hubei (China), became the epicenter of a series of cases of pneumonia whose cause was unknown. The biological agent was identified as a ribonucleic acid betacoronavirus of with coat which is currently named coronavirus 2, the cause of a severe acute respiratory syndrome. Objective: Develop a nursing process applied to a patient with the binomial comprised by coronavirus 2 which caused him severe acute respiratory syndrome, and diabetes mellitus type 2. Methodology: Descriptive clinical case study, the nursing process was developed, the assessment was guided by the Virginia Henderson conceptual approach; diagnosis, results, and interventions were established. Presentation of the case: 44 years old male with coronavirus 2, which causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome, and diabetes mellitus type 2, who was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit for Adults in a tertiary care hospital. Results: The diagnosis was “Inefficient cleaning in the airways, hyperthermia, and risk of instable glycemia level”.  Conclusion: Through the interventions expected results were reached; the patient was dismissed from the intensive care unit 18 days after he was admitted.
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