Effect of energy drinks on the mental health of adolescents and young people: Systematic review
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Energy Drinks
Mental Health
Young Adult

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Fuentealba Garrido J, Momberg Villanueva D, Rezende Brito de Oliveira T, Riquelme Pedraza M, Valeria González J, Aguayo Verdugo N. Effect of energy drinks on the mental health of adolescents and young people: Systematic review. SANUS Rev Enf [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];9(20):e438. Available from: https://sanus.unison.mx/index.php/Sanus/article/view/438



Introduction: Nursing must carry out a comprehensive assessment of the adolescent or young person, not only in the physical area, but also mentally, in order to intervene early on risk habits. Objective: To know how the consumption of energy drinks affects the mental health of adolescents and young people. Methodology: Systematic review in the Web Of Science, Medline, Scopus and Pubmed databases using the descriptors: energy drinks, mental health, young adult and adolescent, the inclusion criteria were; articles published since 2017, in Spanish, English or Portuguese and whose population were adolescents and/or young people (age range 13 - 25 years). Initially, 372 articles were identified, leaving 10 for full-text analysis and methodological evaluation using CASPe guidelines. Results: 9 studies with a cross-sectional design and 1 cohort study, according to being a frequent consumer, or after consuming energy drinks, the levels of anxiety, depression and, to a lesser extent, aggressiveness and suicidal risk, increase compared to those who do not consume, being more affected male adolescents. Conclusions: Although there was evidence of a relationship between the consumption of energy drinks and mental health risks, most of the examined investigations used cross-sectional designs, so it is not possible to determine causality or direction of effect. Longitudinal and intervention studies are required to study the issue in greater depth since the consumption of energy drinks is somewhat regular and mental health problems are increasing.

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